Sito web realizzato con il sostegno della Regione Lazio per Biblioteche, Musei ed Archivi - Piano Annuale 2021, L.R. 24/2019
The Museum is named after Francesco Spallone, a young biologist who died prematurely in 2009, aged only 28, who took his first steps as a researcher in our protected area; he has always remained deeply attached to this territory, continuing to frequent it even during the years of his PhD in Ecology carried out at the University of Tuscia in Viterbo.
Despite his young age, with his research and activities, in the field and in the laboratory, Francesco has made a notable contribution to the study and conservation of the Italian herpetofauna , recognized by the entire scientific community.
Among the rooms and display cases of the museum it is possible to see part of his equipment and some specimens of amphibians and reptiles collected during his research.